Get back with the knack knack attack. Where's John Paul when we need him? We don't need no stinkin' John Pauls, Solan's got it covered.

Kelly Baker, Taj, Clint Baker.

Nina Brutagio works at Rays, rides for DK and Etnies, and reps Deliverance always. Here, she executes a nothing, like it was nuthin'. Yeah, Nina!

My other neighbor, Sean Newton, on the receiving end of the camera (James B took this one) through the snake run.

KB throws his bars and caution to the wind.

Our return visit on Monday yielded new moves for all of us. Kelly pulled this wall ride over the bull. Jason took it over and over trying the curved wall ride in the Subaru park, ultimately pulling it perfectly--he paid his dues on that one. I pulled some stuff I was stoked on the Baker boys took us all on at the pump track. They would challenge each (or all) of us to race, then simply start again with the next contender at the finish of each lap, rarely stopping to take a quick breath. It was inspiring (and super fun).

"Table for one" J. Burton is the host with the most.

Davey Coop with a boosted one footer. Davey has requested no more posts about my weight. Easy for the skinny guy to say.

That trip was great! I had so much fun riding with everyone who made the trip Sunday and riding and hanging out with you and the Bakers on Monday.
Thanks Scott.
I honestly can say that I haven't had that much fun doing anything in years. It was absolutely incredible. We all road until we couldn't open our hands. My legs were cramping up, and we kept riding. I hope to do it again really soon.
rays is always the best time.lets do it agin before spring.every body rode awsome!
hell yeah, so psyched to see and get to ride with everyone. The energizer bunnies aka baker's kids totally SHRED!!!!!!!! I wish I had their energy hahaha Come back sooner than later!!!! :)
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