Thursday, November 19, 2009

End notes

Some notes about the video below.
It's Dave dancing in the beginning, not me. Dave also does the feeble grind (one of the first I ever saw performed) and the bottom bracket grind (still amazing to me!), both on a Dyno freestyle frame with a welded on bash guard with skateboard truck copers on the bottom so it would slide. When I do the 360 off the side of the quarterpipe in the one indoor demo, it bent my Bottema forks (this note is for Kim Boyle). I'm riding a Robinson race bike in most of the old clips (favorite bike ever). The bike shop is Verns Sport & Cycle, our family bike shop. Business must have been slow. Dave is wearing a Mr. T mask in the clip where he punches the kid's hat off and dominoes the entire row of brand new bicycles with the skateboard. The half-bar spin and bar spin I do in there are the only ones I've EVER done (besides on a flatland bike). Most of the street riding is from Grand Rapids and some from Kalamazoo. There is footage from three different demos in there. The current footage of me was shot a couple weeks ago, by myself, in the morning, with a tri-pod. The rest of it was shot last Sunday (without a tri-pod, obviously. ha ha). I was 25 in 1990. That clip of Dave jumping the bridge is the last documented footage of the bridge, as it is coming down...

1 comment:

Smitty said...

What? Has the bridge been condemned?