Yesterday was Sean Newton's 25th birthday and a Kzoo rent out was in order. "25 and still alive" was the theme--I suppose alluding to getting "old". Twenty five is definitely a freak out age. You're definitely an adult, you're half-way to 30 from 20 and if you ride bikes or skateboard, you start feeling a little self-conscious about that maybe too. I have a birthday this week as well, but I didn't mention it--the next question would of course be "How old are you going to be?". My age is no secret but I'm not happy about it. Sorry, always making it about me. Sean was riding great, while not trying out his new Canon on some of the crew...

Chris Noble with an over-tooth on the rail. Chris is really, really good.

The Ball brothers were in the house and shredding. Here's Jared, showing his brother what it's all about. Jeremy did one air in particular last night that was higher than I've ever seen anyone go on that ramp.

Mike Seals is the late Glen Seals' nephew and he did his uncle proud last night. This ice-pick was clean. It's hard to believe Glen has been gone for over two years now....
I got my camera out as well....

CJ Vaughn is the patient, tolerant manager of Kzoo. He puts up with a lot, takes a lot and still manages to rip it up. Foot floater ollie over spine.

Rigging ramps is always fun. This set up was hard to get speed for, but Chris handled it with his trademark style and fluidity.

Cakes in place! Look at how stoked CJ is--he's glowing!
The SuperBowl was last night and I'm not the least bit ashamed to tell you that I didn't even know who was playing. I knew the Pittsburgh Steelers were in it and told my wife I thought the other team was the Cardinals, but didn't know where they were from "St Louis?", she said. I'm glad I'm not the only one in the dark (and to her credit, the football cardinals used to be from St Louis).
As much fun as I had last night. I'm getting awfully antsy about getting back to this....

Jason Burton with an October 08 test run at Birdland. I have some big ideas for this spring! Mayday Jam?
1 comment:
What a good ass time. Thanks to everyone. I had so much fun. Best Birthday I've ever had.
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