On my 10th birthday, which was exactly 34 years ago today (is that even possible?), my dad came through with the Bridgestone motorcycle in the above pic. It was too big for me, had a hand clutch and four speeds and was really a street bike designed for the streets of Japan, but it got me in motion. Learning to ride on that thing gave me a leg up on all motorcycles to come. I was blown away a few weeks ago when I walked into the shop at "bike night" and saw a similar Bridgestone sitting there. I love motorcycles.
happy birthday, Scott.
44 is the new 24...
happy b-day
we share the same
along with babe ruth
happy birthday my man,good to talk to you yesterday.
Happy Birthday Mr. T
happy birthday muh fu#$ka.
Happy Birthday Scott. It brings to mind the classic S&M bikes video '44 Something', it's one of my all time favorites.
The flashback and re-created shot of you on the Bridgestone are great.
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